Oliver Xiong - 重新让内心骚动起来
更新:2017-06-20 21:58:07 | 分享:Oliver ( V4343 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:130

Why I came to GEC often?Firstly,there are lots of foreign friends and also numerous native English learners,is a very good place to practice my spoken English.Secondly,GEC have different people from different places,we can share cultures together and talk about life,history,hobbies,jobs and so on.It’s really interesting to find new things each time in GEC.So what you are waiting for ,join GEC as quick as possible as you can. Sooner or later you will enjoy your time in GEC and want to be an old driver like Seas.
I now work in an animal protein trading company and deal with beef products for China market,pork and poultry are also included.After graduate from university ,I have worked in Beijing and Shanghai before,now I think I will settle down in Guangzhou in the coming years.If you want to know me more ,don’t hesitate to connect.Lots of people have my wechat number like Seas in GEC panyu house.
Oh,almost forget.I will be 28 years in July and remains in single.
Looking forward to have meet you guys in GEC.See ya.