GECoutdoor activity -- 小新
更新:2016-06-05 15:51:39 | 分享:Naveen 小新 ( 印度 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:215

After that we all GEC friends took a group photo and then well all separate in our group we rent bicycles ,then we departure for our destination to Guanzhou shengwu Island*, on the way of Island we had lot of fun ,there was so many beauty in our group. some girls was going in car because they afraid of sunlight , it was funny…., we had lunch together in the park, we all bring some food….

We enjoy that it was a very nice and happy day , we saw some peoples was not using cycle and they were keep walking and running, and we saw some small children was also cycling. In afternoon we all arrived there our destination, we all plan to make kite for fly, and some beautiful girls went for taking photos , I also took some photos with pretty girls, but other friends was really doing hard work to making kite, we all made beautiful kites. Some kites flying but some can’t flying, but we all have fun together..….

After that we all return back to near subway with bicycle, after that we plan to go for have dinner together , it was nice we all have dinner together ,we had so many dishes and we enjoy our dinner, after that some of them plan to go for singing and some of them plan to go back home…. It was a very enjoyable day we all have fun in Guanzhou shengwu Island……
----from Naveen Singh. 小新