更新:2016-10-11 23:26:57 | 分享:Jackson ( V3373 ) | 来源:原创 | 阅读:70

We arrived at 16:30 and we were shy to sing English song. But @Rebecca Lee & @陈火东 who are organizer and singer started and led us to sing. Thanks for their help, we threw away shyness to sing with our hearts.

@Nick Mars & @Susu had a try to sing their favorite English songs. As a singer @陈火东 gave them some suggestion to improve their singing skills. And then they tried to sing according to his suggestion, the effect was obvious.

@Susu sang many English songs such as “because of you” “if i were a boy” “try” and others. We both agreed her high pitch高音 is good and all of her songs were melodious. I thought @Nick Mars song was smooth.

When @Susu was sing the song “try”. @陈火东 asked what this song is talking about.I told him the lyrics of this song is about encourage us to be true without worr ying other people's views.
After singing many songs, we felt hungry, we had some delicious food in KTV room.And then @Shirlin started to sing love songs such as “i'm yours” “wont go home without you” “21gun” and“Zombie”.

Its hard to believe @李聪 a doctor in Sun Yat-sen hospital not only has skillfull hangs in the science lab but also has a sweet voice.
We locked ourselves in the KTV room to sing English songs for three hours.

You guys maybe will ask what songs @阿杰jackson sang. Ahh....... I sang some songs, but if you want to know,PLS join the next English songs KTV Activity, I will let you know and sing to you. Yeah, we are gonging to organize regularly, or Take Leave Without Delay(说走就走).
Maybe some of you will tell me “I am poor at singing English songs”. Come on! It s an excuse.
Speak out your Engllish and sing your songs! Don t be shy.Listen to the song below and Join us!